
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 8 Weigh In!

I sort of freaked out realizing it was week 8, I can't believe that.  I'm really far behind, but I'm okay with that, I'll pick it back up big time soon!! 

So, weighed in yesterday.  I got up and did a 25 minute work out, then weighed in.  I lost 1 pound this week!  So 14 total.  I'm behind, but I don't even care right now.  I broke that weight that I was stuck at for YEARS!  Just by one pound, but I broke it and now I'm gonna kick it's royal butt!!!

Today was baby girls 1st birthday party.  I actually am pretty proud of myself.  I did an "appetizer buffet" and I was pretty scared that I'd just eat all day long and I really didn't.  Something about when you cook it yourself I guess.  I ate a plate of food for lunch, one cupcake, and a plate of food for dinner, and I even got up early to do a 25 minute work out before I started prepping.  The party was a lot of fun, lots of family.  Zoe got lots of ADORABLE outfits!  Shopping for a girl is so fun!!  And I do have lots of veggies left over.  I gave away as much other stuff as I could while people were leaving!!

So 70 days left.  That's about 10 weeks, so 2.5 pounds a week needs to be about what I hit.  We'll see how things go, I'm not going to get down on myself as long as the number is coming down.  And I have to remind myself it's only the first goal, I still have another one after that.

Looks like the weather is going to have another bi-polar episode this week.  But tomorrow may be warm enough to jog outside!!  Let's hope!

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